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Under or Over the Muscle?

When deciding on breast augmentation surgery, the question ‘Under the muscle or over the muscle?’ comes to mind and is asked to the doctor.

Under or Over the Muscle?

People who can access a wide range of information on this subject through the internet and media can make a decision for themselves and request it from the doctor.

Information accessed through medical sites explains the technical differences or differences in the healing process of breast augmentation surgeries performed under or over the muscle. However, which Breast Augmentation Surgery Technique is suitable for the person can only be determined with an examination. Body structure, rib cage and breast structure are effective in this decision. The Plastic Surgery Specialist recommends the most suitable breast augmentation surgery method for the person.

Forum sites where people who have had this aesthetic surgery before share their experiences are also useful in terms of information. However, while benefiting from these experiences, it should be kept in mind that everyone’s body structure is different, the healing process may vary for everyone and there may be differences in the approach of doctors. The most accurate information on this subject is obtained by interviewing the Plastic Surgery Specialist.

During the examination, you have the opportunity to see how your breasts will look after the surgery with the 3D Vectra, three-dimensional imaging system.

We plan your Breast Augmentation Surgery together with my theoretical and practical experience and your expectations.

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